People rushing in and out of an office

Always Busy, Still No Time

July 25, 20241 min read

All busy and nothing done,

Sucks !!

Do you ever get to the end of the week and think

Wow – I was busy and had a full schedule all week,

BUT I don’t think I got anything done!!

That’s a horrible feeling I’ve had to many Fridays

One action that has helped me be more productive and less likely to get distracted is time blocking my calendar.

Take a look at the week ahead and set blocks of time to complete specified tasks,

from email to reports to writing.

The second part of this action working is to not do anything else besides the task in that block.

That’s the hard part

When I use this system, I get a lot of time back and still get the tasks and projects done or at least progressed as I intended during the week.

How do you use your calendar help you get tasks done?

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